Have a Day, Geezers

warning : this post is football related ~ 19/05 ; This is too beautiful :') Rasa terharu nak cerita ni :') Hari bersejarah untuk Chelsea! Okay, I tahu yang congratulatory post ni sangat lembap. Berita tuh dah basi kan? But not to me <3 Bila meneliti gambar gambar di Tumblr, I macam ASDFGHJKL Macam tak caye jeeee >.< Those happy faces, kyaaa~ le creys T^T Akhirnya, dorang dapat genggam piala Champions League tuh. But, bad news seemed to follow our heroes' big success. My Didi is leaving Chelseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Nooooooooooooooooooo. Didi , jangan pergi. We need you! I NEED YOU HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sigh. Keputusan bukan di tangan I atau kaki I atau hidung I. If he wants to leave, I'll support him. "So, eight seasons, 157 goals, three Premier League titles, two Premier League golden boots, four FA Cups, two League Cups and one big fat Champions League-winning penalty - and with that that, he’s gone. W...