Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home

Amaran : Anda akan muntah atau gelak terbahak-bahak atau membaling kerusi ke PC kerana rasa menyampah yang berlebihan setelah membaca entry ini. Jangan cuba baca jika hati anda tidak kuat. Terima kasih. Last Friday night . I pergi tengok Harry Potter 7 part II. Masa masuk wayang, rasa nerbes dan eksaited. Masa keluar wayang rasa sedih berbaur gembira berbaur terharu . It's finally ended. My amazing childhood. Dah habis. Selama 10 tahun. Dah habis dalam masa beberapa jam je. Dan dan, sedih nya hati I bukan kepalang. Lepas ni, takde filem Harry Potter lagi dah. *amek tisu, hembus hingus* sambung Now, I need to give my gratitude to those casts and members. *mulakan!* To the Malfoys Draco, thanks for showing protection for your ultimate rival. To the Phoenixs Dear Remus and Tonks, thanks for your wondrous magic skills and for sacrificing yourselves to make a happier world for your son. Dear McGonagall, thanks for always believe in Harry and protecting Hogwarts. Dear Hagrid, thanks ...